Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Temptations of Evil Part One: Seven Sins

The Temptations of Evil Part One: Seven Sins

Inspiration is everything. And rpgbloggers.com as blog-network is a great resource for inspiration it seems. With the feed online only a few hours, the mere stumbling through it - - ah you better see it yourself. Over at Gnome-Stew, Walt posted an interesting question in his latest posting - Hot Button: A Touch of Evil. And I have to admit, I thought about writing a mere comment on it, but then again it is a topic that accompanies me ever since Ive switched (for a time) from D&D and o

One-Shot Night: Spirit of the Empire - Fate System Steampunk

So, my group played SotC as a one-shot last night. Rather than going for the standard pulp adventure feel, we did sort of a steampunk/pulp mix. The year was 1857 - during the Indian Revolt - and instead of having fought in the Great War, everyone was a former member of the now-defunct East India Company. The intended plot was fairly simple. The H.M.S. Balthazar, a ship carrying tea and spices and other sundries from India to London is attacked by mysterious turbaned pirates during the night. T

Cannibal Contagion: Playtest Rules Update 8/4/2008

I meant to do this Friday, but only just now found the time to get around to it. The playtest rules have been updated considerably: Added placeholders for four pre-generated example characters Removed the Agsomafa mechanics Updated the Showdown outcomes: now the total play pile = Hurtin, and faces and aces can be exchanged for Facts and Awesome tokens Added two new Joker-specific power maneuvers to replace the Agsomafa. One mechanic involves an all-or-nothing desperate move, the other allows

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